Epson Expression Premium XP-6100 Wi-Fi All-In-One Printer

  • Model
  • 89502103
  • Printshop
  • Product Dimensions
  • 7.8 x 5.39 x 2.2 inches
  • Scan Modes
  • Color, Monochrome
  • Series
  • B07PDNS5CZ
  • Color
  • Black
  • Standing screen display size
  • ‎1.44 Inches
  • Connectivity Type
  • Wi-Fi
  • Power Source
  • 120 VAC, 60 Hz
  • Hardware Platform
  • Smartphones, PC, Laptops
  • Operating System
  • Windows, Mac
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Cross Sell


Vibrant photos and crisp, clear copy is produced time and again with Epson's Expression Premium XP-6100 all-in-one printer. Individual inks save you money as you'll only have to replace the pigment that runs out. Wirelessly print with ease with built-in Wi-Fi and Epson's easy to use mobile apps. This compact and stylish printer has a modest footprint so it'll fit neatly into your set up.

Wireless printing at home
Built-in Wi-Fi gives you seamless wireless printing from your smart phone, tablet, PC or Wi-Fi enabled camera. Download the iPrint app (iOS and Android) to your device or use Wi-Fi Direct to print straight from a compatible wireless device. For more creative results use the Creative Print app to access Facebook photos or design custom greeting cards. With support for Apple Airprint too, you’ll always be able to find the most convenient way to run off your documents.

Wireless printing on the go
Printing when you're miles away is possible as the Epson XP-6100 machine comes with its own email address. All you have to do is email the documents and photos you need a copy of to the printer's email address and they'll be ready for you to pick up when you get home.

Smart design
The control panel and 6.1cm LCD touch screen can be tilted to ensure you get the best viewing angle. The XP-6100's dual paper trays allow you to fill one with plain A4 paper for documents and the other with photo paper. Or you can print directly from the USB port or memory card using the SD card slot. Double-sided printing saves on paper, and you can print directly onto CDs and DVDs too.


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